Do your messages and value proposition resonate in the market? Have you differentiated your offer so that it stands out and commands attention? Does it speak to the segment of customers you most care about?

The messages you communicate about your company and your offering are the foundation of a marketing effort. These should be crafted carefully to convey fully the benefits you bring to the table, and the value you deliver with your product or service. Importantly, this needs to be done in the context of your competitive landscape, underlining that which is different - and better - than what customers could expect from other providers.
This work must be done whether you are leveraging new media or traditional marketing methods. Although many aspects of digital marketing can greatly assist in providing testing and feedback to hone your messaging platform.
RMG has extensive experience developing value propositions, major messages, and the supporting proof points that make them believable. Whether you are positioning and launching a new company or product, or needing to revisit and refresh current messages, RMG has proven processes to sharpen, differntiate, and clearly articulate the vlue you offer.